18 research outputs found

    El Mejor Self Posible: Una intervención dirigida a generar emociones positivas. Resultados preliminares

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    La vivencia de emociones positivas promueve un pensamiento más abierto y flexible y nos fortalece frente a la adversidad. Desde el campo de la psicología positiva se han desarrollado diferentes estrategias que potencian la aparición de emociones positivas. Una de estas intervenciones es imaginar el Mejor Self Posible, una técnica de pensamiento futuro positivo que requiere que la persona se visualice en un futuro en el que todo se ha desarrollado del mejor modo posible. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la eficacia de esta intervención en la generación de emociones positivas y de optimismo, utilizando Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) para tratar de potenciar sus efectos. Se trata de un estudio experimental preliminar, de una sola sesión, cuya muestra está formada por 12 sujetos (M= 23,4 años) reclutados de la población general. Para analizar los resultados se tomaron medidas de afecto (PANAS) y expectativas futuras (SPT) antes y después de realizar el ejercicio. En cuanto al afecto, los resultados arrojan un aumento significativo de afecto positivo tras realizar la sesión; mientras que en las medidas de expectativas futuras, se observa una disminución, no significativa, en expectativas futuras negativas al terminar la sesión.Experiencing positive emotions promotes open and flexible thinking and strengthens us against adversity. In the field of positive psychology different strategies that boost the appearance of positive emotions have been developed. One of these interventions is to imagine the Best Possible Self, a positive future thinking technique that consists in visualizing a future where everything has gone the best possible way. The goal of the present study is to analyze the efficacy of this intervention increasing the appearance of positive emotions and optimism, using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to maximize their effects. This is a one session preliminary experimental study, with a sample of 12 individuals (M=23.4 years) recruited from the general population. In order to analyze the results, measures of affect (PANAS) and future expectancies (SPT) were administered before and after each manipulation. Regarding affect, results show a significant increase in positive affect after the session. On the contrary, in the measures of future expectancies, results show a non-significant decrease in negative future expectancies at the end of the session

    MULTIMAP: Multilingual picture naming test for mapping eloquent areas during awake surgeries

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    Published online: 8 September 2020Picture naming tasks are currently the gold standard for identifying and preserving language-related areas during awake brain surgery. With multilingual populations increasing worldwide, patients frequently need to be tested in more than one language. There is still no reliable testing instrument, as the available batteries have been developed for specific languages. Heterogeneity in the selection criteria for stimuli leads to differences, for example, in the size, color, image quality, and even names associated with pictures, making direct cross-linguistic comparisons difficult. Here we present MULTIMAP, a new multilingual picture naming test for mapping eloquent areas during awake brain surgery. Recognizing that the distinction between nouns and verbs is necessary for detailed and precise language mapping, MULTIMAP consists of a database of 218 standardized color pictures representing both objects and actions. These images have been tested for name agreement with speakers of Spanish, Basque, Catalan, Italian, French, English, German, Mandarin Chinese, and Arabic, and have been controlled for relevant linguistic features in cross-language combinations. The MULTIMAP test for objects and verbs represents an alternative to the Oral Denomination 80 (DO 80) monolingual pictorial set currently used in language mapping, providing an open-source, standardized set of up-to-date pictures, where relevant linguistic variables across several languages have been taken into account in picture creation and selection.Funded by Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-049); the European Research Council (ERC-2011-ADG-295362), and MINECO (RTI2018- 093547-B-I00)

    Grey Matter Reshaping of Language-Related Regions Depends on Tumor Lateralization

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    Published: 28 July 2023A brain tumor in the left hemisphere can decrease language laterality as assessed through fMRI. However, it remains unclear whether or not this decreased language laterality is associated with a structural reshaping of the grey matter, particularly within the language network. Here, we examine if the disruption of the language hubs exclusively affects the macrostructural properties of the contralateral homologues or whether it affects both hemispheres. This study uses voxel-based morphometry applied to high-resolution MR T1-weighted MPRAGE images from 31 adult patients’ left hemisphere, which is dominant for language. Eighteen patients had brain tumors in the left hemisphere, and thirteen had tumors in the right hemisphere. A cohort of 71 healthy individuals matched with respect to age and sex was used as a baseline. We defined 10 ROIs per hemisphere involved in language function. Two separate repeated-measure ANOVAs were conducted with the volume per region as the dependent variable. For the patients, tumor lateralization (right versus left) served as a between-subject factor. The current study demonstrated that the presence of a brain tumor generates global volumetric changes affecting the left language regions and their contralateral homologues. These changes are mediated by the lateralization of the lesion. Our findings suggest that functional mechanisms are supported by the rearrangement of the grey matter.This research was supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2022–2025 program; the Spanish State Research Agency through BCBL Severo Ochoa excellence accreditation CEX2020−001010-S; the Fundación Científica AECC (FCAECC) through the project PROYE20005CARR; the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Plan Nacional RTI2018 093547 B I00 (LANGCONN) awarded to I.Q.; the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the predoctoral grant PRE2019-091492 awarded to L.M.-O.; and the NIH (NIDCD) grant K01DC016904 (Comprehensive presurgical identification of the critical language network in tumor patients) awarded to M.M.P

    Oscillatory and Structural Signatures of Language Plasticity in Brain Tumor Patients: a Longitudinal Study

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    Recent evidence suggests that damage to the language network triggers its functional reorganization. Yet, the spectro-temporal fingerprints of this plastic rearrangement and its relation to anatomical changes is less well understood. Here, we combined magnetoencephalographic recordings with a proxy measure of white matter to investigate oscillatory activity supporting language plasticity and its relation to structural reshaping. First, cortical dynamics were acquired in a group of healthy controls during object and action naming. Results showed segregated beta (13-28 Hz) power decreases in left ventral and dorsal pathways, in a time-window associated to lexico-semantic processing (similar to 250-500 ms). Six patients with left tumors invading either ventral or dorsal regions performed the same naming task before and 3 months after surgery for tumor resection. When longitudinally comparing patients' responses we found beta compensation mimicking the category-based segregation showed by controls, with ventral and dorsal damage leading to selective compensation for object and action naming, respectively. At the structural level, all patients showed preoperative changes in white matter tracts possibly linked to plasticity triggered by tumor growth. Furthermore, in some patients, structural changes were also evident after surgery and showed associations with longitudinal changes in beta power lateralization toward the contralesional hemisphere. Overall, our findings support the existence of anatomo-functional dependencies in language reorganization and highlight the potential role of oscillatory markers in tracking longitudinal plasticity in brain tumor patients. By doing so, they provide valuable information for mapping preoperative and postoperative neural reshaping and plan surgical strategies to preserve language function and patient's quality of lifeBasque Government, Grant/Award Number: BERC 2018-2021; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Grant/Award Number: RTI2018-096216-A-I00 (MEGLIOMA) and RTI2018-093547-B-I00 (LangConn); Spanish State Research Agency, Grant/Award Number: SEV-2015-0490 and IJCI-2017-3137

    Curs d’iniciació a la Filologia Catalana

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    Aquest article detalla el procés del plantejament i el disseny del Curs d’Introducció a la Filologia Catalana, dut a terme per un grup de professors i professores del Departament de Filologia Catalana de la Universitat d’Alacant. El curs combina objectius propedèutics i de tipus social i conductual, ja que no sols pretén oferir formació a l’alumnat de segon de batxillerat i primer de grau en matèria de llengua, literatura i cultura al País Valencià i a la resta de territoris catalanoparlants, sinó també informar sobre què fem i com som a Filologia Catalana en un entorn marcat sovint per prejudicis de tipus lingüístic i cultural. L’article mostrarà quines possibilitats d’interfície virtual han estat considerades adequades per als nostres objectius (Moodle, curs MOOC i web amb gimcana d’aprenentatge) i detallarà el tipus de recursos i materials usats i preparats, respectivament, per al curs, que, com hem avançat, estarà dividit en tres grans mòduls: llengua, literatura i cultura

    Discovery and In Vivo Proof of Concept of a Highly Potent Dual Inhibitor of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase and Acetylcholinesterase for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

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    With innumerable clinical failures of target-specific drug candidates for multifactorial diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), which remains inefficiently treated, the advent of multitarget drug discovery has brought a new breath of hope. Here, we disclose a class of 6-chlorotacrine (huprine)‒TPPU hybrids as dual inhibitors of the enzymes soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), a multitarget profile to provide cumulative effects against neuroinflammation and memory impairment. Computational studies confirmed the gorge-wide occupancy of both enzymes, from the main site to a secondary site, including a so far non-described AChE cryptic pocket. The lead compound displayed in vitro dual nanomolar potencies, adequate brain permeability, aqueous solubility, and human microsomal stability and lack of neurotoxicity, and rescued memory, synaptic plasticity and neuroinflammation in an AD mouse model, after low dose chronic oral administration

    Risk Factors for COVID-19 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A National, ENEIDA-Based Case–Control Study (COVID-19-EII)

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    (1) Scant information is available concerning the characteristics that may favour the acquisition of COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess these differences between infected and noninfected patients with IBD. (2) This nationwide case-control study evaluated patients with inflammatory bowel disease with COVID-19 (cases) and without COVID-19 (controls) during the period March-July 2020 included in the ENEIDA of GETECCU. (3) A total of 496 cases and 964 controls from 73 Spanish centres were included. No differences were found in the basal characteristics between cases and controls. Cases had higher comorbidity Charlson scores (24% vs. 19%; p = 0.02) and occupational risk (28% vs. 10.5%; p < 0.0001) more frequently than did controls. Lockdown was the only protective measure against COVID-19 (50% vs. 70%; p < 0.0001). No differences were found in the use of systemic steroids, immunosuppressants or biologics between cases and controls. Cases were more often treated with 5-aminosalicylates (42% vs. 34%; p = 0.003). Having a moderate Charlson score (OR: 2.7; 95%CI: 1.3-5.9), occupational risk (OR: 2.9; 95%CI: 1.8-4.4) and the use of 5-aminosalicylates (OR: 1.7; 95%CI: 1.2-2.5) were factors for COVID-19. The strict lockdown was the only protective factor (OR: 0.1; 95%CI: 0.09-0.2). (4) Comorbidities and occupational exposure are the most relevant factors for COVID-19 in patients with IBD. The risk of COVID-19 seems not to be increased by immunosuppressants or biologics, with a potential effect of 5-aminosalicylates, which should be investigated further and interpreted with caution

    Incidence, Clinical Characteristics and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Spain : Large-Scale Epidemiological Study

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    (1) Aims: To assess the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Spain, to describe the main epidemiological and clinical characteristics at diagnosis and the evolution of the disease, and to explore the use of drug treatments. (2) Methods: Prospective, population-based nationwide registry. Adult patients diagnosed with IBD-Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC) or IBD unclassified (IBD-U)-during 2017 in Spain were included and were followed-up for 1 year. (3) Results: We identified 3611 incident cases of IBD diagnosed during 2017 in 108 hospitals covering over 22 million inhabitants. The overall incidence (cases/100,000 person-years) was 16 for IBD, 7.5 for CD, 8 for UC, and 0.5 for IBD-U; 53% of patients were male and median age was 43 years (interquartile range = 31-56 years). During a median 12-month follow-up, 34% of patients were treated with systemic steroids, 25% with immunomodulators, 15% with biologics and 5.6% underwent surgery. The percentage of patients under these treatments was significantly higher in CD than UC and IBD-U. Use of systemic steroids and biologics was significantly higher in hospitals with high resources. In total, 28% of patients were hospitalized (35% CD and 22% UC patients, p < 0.01). (4) Conclusion: The incidence of IBD in Spain is rather high and similar to that reported in Northern Europe. IBD patients require substantial therapeutic resources, which are greater in CD and in hospitals with high resources, and much higher than previously reported. One third of patients are hospitalized in the first year after diagnosis and a relevant proportion undergo surgery

    Correction : Chaparro et al. Incidence, Clinical Characteristics and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Spain: Large-Scale Epidemiological Study. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2885

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    The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [...]

    Ahora / Ara

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    La cinquena edició del microrelatari per l’eradicació de la violència contra les dones de l’Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere «Purificación Escribano» de la Universitat Jaume I vol ser una declaració d’esperança. Aquest és el moment en el qual les dones (i els homes) hem de fer un pas endavant i eliminar la violència sistèmica contra les dones. Ara és el moment de denunciar el masclisme i els micromasclismes començant a construir una societat més igualitària. Cadascun dels relats del llibre és una denúncia i una declaració que ens encamina cap a un món millor